Sunday 22 January 2012

Upcoming activities

It seams that sundays are Rush day, as I am working through some of their hits. As oposed to a day of Rushing.

So anyway this coming friday I have a small GASLIGHT game planned (5 models a side) to use my VSF models. The idea is to add to the force and play semi regular VSF games.

Also on the cards is the Matrix RPG which will require some creative legwork to get up and running. Spoke to two of the players about it over a pint and had a very creative discussion.

Finaly bought some models for 7ombie TV. They are not Zombies but rather potential foes. I will attempt to run the first mission from the 7ombies game soon so will calulate the amount of zombies needed for that and order come payday.

Will update as intresting stuff happens

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